Vortexes, or vortices, like those described in Sedona, Arizona, are reported to promote a sense a well-being to those that are in-tune with its energies. These enhanced energy sites are said to facilitate prayer, meditation, mind-body healing, and creative thinking.

Similarly, our very own Eureka Springs, Arkansas has transformed lives for hundreds of years. There is power here. It is evident. The natural surroundings, physical beauty and air of freedom re-calibrates us, captures us, inspires us, "gets a hold" of us.
Eureka Springs is a place that inspires people to start a new chapter here, open a business here, retire here, get creative here, pray, paint, discover, do. The culture and community recharges us and uplifts our senses and feeds our sense of wonder and our soul.
Many see Eureka Springs as astonishing and they return over-and-over bringing a sense of awakening and freedom with each visit. Eureka is cunning, she lures you in.
Rich in history, Dr. Baker, the charlatan physician with no cure for cancer, brought about a dark chapter for Eureka Springs, luring those dying from cancer to get here to be cured by him yet only did they suffer a miserable death (as he, obviously, had no cure.)
This was the chapter in the history books when many came and few left Eureka Springs but, in fact, since it's inception, no one ever leaves Eureka Springs unchanged and that is because this beautiful place, too, is an Earth vortex.
Other types of vortex locations in the world include, Stonehenge, Machu Picchu, Chichen Itza, areas with crop circles, centers of UFO activity, paranormal activity and places that act as doorways to the afterlife or other dimensions.
This is a list of what people report after visiting a place with vortex-energies:
Spiritual awareness
Energy flow
Electricity flow
Emotional healing
Physical healing
Intense emotions
Spiritual awareness
Sense of self/inner being
Universal Connection
Paranormal activity
Crop circles

There are reasons one might consider that a vortex exists in Eureka Springs. First, it is located in the mystical Ozark Mountains (known in the world as 2nd largest for quartz deposits) and second, there was a very famous healing spring. (Basin Spring)

It is also believed that Eureka Springs was founded on sacred ground.
The early settlers venerated the waters of Eureka so much so that tribes at war with each other were not permitted to fight at the springs. With that, for hundreds of years, the area now known as Basin Spring has provided a peaceful gathering place for all.

The first white settler said to discover the healing springs is reputed to be Dr. Alvah Jackson, who used the healing waters to cure his son of an eye ailment in 1856. The waters were then used at "Dr. Jackson's Cave Hospital" to care for combatants during the Civil War and, following the war, Dr. Jackson set-up a brisk business selling Dr. Jackson's Eye Water.
Eureka's miraculous cures remained a marvel.
Then came 1879 when Judge J.B. Saunders (the doctor's friend and hunting companion) was cured of a crippling disease simply by a visit to Basin Spring. The Judge then place put his considerable influence and endorsement into promoting Eureka Springs to all.
A Sioux Princess also suffered from an eye affliction which had completely taken away her sight. The young girl bathed her eyes in the waters of Basin Spring, and within a short time her eyesight was fully restored. Her people were overjoyed, and they told the story far and wide until it reached the ears of the first white men exploring the region.

Here is a photo from the early turn of the century depicting small crowds gathered at the springs partaking of the "liquid cure" from jugs, tin cups and ladles.
Soon, a bottling operation was quickly arranged to capitalize on this new cure and the present-day Ozarka Water label, which is now bottled by the Perrier Group, can trace its company history right back here to early Eureka Springs entrepreneurs.
It did not take long for many Victorian citizens (all decked in their finery) to board rail cars destined for Eureka Springs.
Local trolleys headed for the early bath houses and soon the town became a popular destination for the spa treatments that continue to be a big part of the culture in Eureka even to this day.
Many miraculous cures were reported in newspaper testimonials of the era. Eureka's Springs were credited with amazing feats -- from curing dreaded disease, to magnetizing all metal that passed through the stream of "Magnetic Spring."
Eureka's spring waters were never tested by modern methods, but many historians agree on their legitimate healing power. Perhaps it was the water. Perhaps it was the welcoming climate or the fresh mountain air. Perhaps the faith, hope & beliefs of the afflicted that inspired cures.

Modern-day mystics say Eureka Springs is an Earth Vortex and even the most practical folks often say they were drawn to Eureka Springs by an unspoken, inner knowledge.
I have no rational explanation for the mysterious powers in these here hills and in speaking from my personal experience, as it has also happened for me, when you visit here, you continue to be drawn back here until eventually you are symbiotic with everyone and everything here.
The power that drew our ancient ancestors lives on and Eureka Springs has long been a place of awe and wonder, healing and wellness, joy and peace.

Welcome to Eureka Springs - a rare and powerful planetary center where body, mind and spirit are aligned!❤️
Come for a visit. Be changed for a lifetime.