Eureka Springs is home to an abundance of art galleries that showcase a diverse range of artistic styles and mediums. Let's explore the vibrant art scene and galleries and spotlight some local artists who call Eureka Springs their home.

Here in Eureka Springs, Art is deeply ingrained in the soul of our community. With its captivating natural beauty in the Ozarks, our lovely town has long attracted creative souls seeking inspiration here. But it was in the late 19th century that the town's artistic evolution truly began.

Eureka Springs' Artistic Legacy
Historically, currently and even topographically. Building on the legacy of Elsie and Louis Freund who started the first art school in Eureka Springs in the 1940s, ESSA was founded by committed, widely respected artists and patrons within the community that felt they both had an obligation and an opportunity to provide art education. ESSA started as a school without walls; a few committed artists taught art classes in their studios. Today, nearly a hundred workshops a year are offered across all disciplines for all ages and skill sets on our 55 acre ESSA campus. Leading artists and instructors from across the nation come to teach at ESSA and student enrollment continues to grow.

It was the arrival of The Freund's, along with other artists, writers, and musicians, which set in motion a chain of events that would shape Eureka Springs' destiny and over many years, as the town gained recognition for its natural springs, more artists flocked to Eureka Springs, creating a dynamic community of creative minds. Chronologically, ESSA officially began in 1998 when a Board of Directors formed and became incorporated. ESSA received its 501(c)3 status in 2001. With the help of an Emerging Art Agency three year grant from AAC Arkansas Art Council, ESSA hired their first Executive Director and continued to offer classes in individual artists’ studios until the current campus was purchased in 2004. Campus offerings have grown from four weeks of intensive workshops, to year-round offerings of one-day to five-day workshops.
ESSA cemented the town's reputation as an artistic hub. Even today, ESSA offers a diverse range of classes, attracting students from across the country who sought to hone their craft in the midst of Eureka Springs' breathtaking surroundings.
Downtown streets come alive in May when Eureka Springs celebrates art the entire month of May during the May Festival of the Arts. Every May, visitors and residents enjoy the annual Artrageous Parade, special art exhibits, White Street Art Walk, gallery strolls and more. For more events, visit this Calendar of Events for the most up-to-date information.

For Upcoming Workshops at ESSA, check this out.
We often say, "here in Eureka Springs, we put the AR in Art!" Our historic White Street is a very popular event featuring several local artists welcoming the public into their homes and studios to view their latest works. These artists are often joined by more than forty guest artists from in and around the Eureka Springs area, featuring weaving, watercolors, jewelry, oils, pottery, stained glass, and much more.

Show veterans: weaver, Eleanor Lux; watercolorist, Zeek Taylor; and painter/sculptor Mary Springer are the walk's organizers and all by coincidence ended up living on White Street after attending the Memphis College of Art.
This event draws visitors to White Street who delight in experiencing a "hidden" Eureka Springs where they can visit with artists in their private spaces. Visitors also get a sense of life in this artsy neighborhood nestled in an area of town that is primarily residential.

The Eureka Springs Arts Council (ESAC) produces the annual Festival of the Arts month-long event as well as other arts and culture events throughout the year. ESAC is also responsible for public art installations through the city. Lots of information about what there is to see and do can be found here.
There are so many cool, unique shops and galleries to experience but one of my favorites combines art with adventure. Amber and Lloyd Leibee produce high quality art gear from their new studio right here in Eureka Springs. Amber is an Adventure Artist and has carried her art kit for hundreds of trail miles on the Appalachian Trail and while fly fishing in the mountains across the United States. Lloyd is a potter, Jack of all Trades and avid adventure seeker. We featured them here on shortly after the gallery opened.

Eureka Springs, Arkansas, truly exemplifies the beauty of art and the remarkable impact it can have on a community.

Chapter 3.5 is our next chapter in this five-part blog-series where we will highlight the dynamic music culture here. We will spotlight diverse genres, individual artists and bands, and shed light on the intimate venues where live music echoes in these Ozark hillsides.

The Soulful Creativity of Eureka Springs is a five-part Blog-Series where we we aim to explore the spirit, heart, and soul of Eureka Springs' culture, delving into the boundless creativity that simply is life here. Beyond its natural beauty, our quaint town is home to a vibrant and wildly diverse creative community that thrives on artistic expression. Please enjoy!❤️