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More Joy | Chapter 1 (of 3)

Oh, darlings, gather ‘round and let me take you on a joy-soaked journey through our charming, quaint, and utterly fabulous Eureka Springs, AR — a town where joy isn’t just an emotion, it’s practically the local currency here!

Welcome to, my little slice of digital paradise, where I get to sprinkle a bit of that Eureka magic and brighten your day with what I like to call the "aesthetics of joy." Trust me, these are not just buzzwords — this is the real deal!

Picture this: you’re wandering through a town so beautiful, you might just start hearing symphonies in your head. That’s Eureka Springs for you. It’s like a love letter to the senses, penned by Mother Nature herself, with a few edits from the incredibly creative locals. Every corner, every nook, is dripping with charm, waiting for you to shout, “Eureka, I’ve found it!” (And honey, when you do, you’ll know exactly what I mean.)

Now, let’s dive into this blog series I’m calling More Joy. It’s your ultimate guide to uncovering the many “aesthetics of joy” that make Eureka Springs the heart-stealing, soul-soothing, joy-filled haven that it is. We’re talking about everything that makes life worth living: energy, abundance, freedom, harmony, play, surprise, transcendence, magic, celebration, and renewal. If that list didn’t make you feel a little giddy, darling, I don’t know what will.

In this first chapter, we’ll explore the first two aesthetics - Energy and Abundance. These are the vibes that’ll have you bouncing with happiness.


Energy is all about high-octane happiness— the kind that makes your heart race and your spirit soar. Think bright colors, warm sunshine, and pops of life that hit you like a double espresso. As the fabulous German painter Johannes Itten once said, “Color is life; for a world without colors appears to us as dead.” Eureka Springs is anything but dead, my dears. This town is alive with the kind of energy that’ll make you want to skip down Main Street, singing show tunes. And who’s to blame you? It’s just that kind of place.

Joy is high-energy happiness, and the energy aesthetic is the visual manifestation of this energy in our lives: bright color and warm, sunny light.

Speaking of pops of color, let’s talk about the legendary Gina Rose Gallina. This queen of crochet once called Eureka home, and her legacy is stitched into the very fabric of the town — literally. Head over to Music Park on Main Street, where the trees are dressed in Gina’s vibrant yarn creations, like a cozy sweater for your soul. It’s yarnbombing, darling, and it’s just as fabulous as it sounds.

Yarnbomber - Gina Galina


But wait, there’s more! The aesthetic of Abundance — that “kid in a candy store” feeling — is about surrounding yourself with so much joy that it feels like Christmas morning every day.

In Eureka Springs, abundance isn’t just about material wealth; it’s about the richness of experience, the layers of creativity, and the endless variety of art, music and innovation that fills every space.

Kite Festival, Turpentine Creek, Eureka Springs, AR

From the annual Kite Festival at Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge, where the skies are a rainbow of soaring kites, to the countless galleries and street art displays, this town is a sensory feast.

A Kite Festival is an exceptional example of sensorial abundance. Each year, in Eureka Springs, usually in March, the annual Kite Festival at Turpentine Creek Wildlife Refuge happens in Eureka Springs, AR.

“Making and flying kites is a ‘green’ sport’ families can share. It’s wind-fueled and gets kids away from sedentary activities like TV viewing and video games,” said Steve Rogers, KaleidoKites co-owner. “It’s a great photo-opportunity with world-class kites worth over a thousand dollars flown during the event. These kites are works of art, which is only fitting for an artist’s community like Eureka Springs,” added Rogers.

The event is one of the refuge’s most popular events each year. Admission is free for kite flying; regular admission prices apply to tour refuge wildlife on display. Proceeds finance rescue and ongoing care for over 135 tigers, lions, cougars and other wildlife that make the sanctuary a life-long home.

Seeing colorful kites in the Eureka skies is sensorial abundance and it brings out the joyful kid in all of us.

It’s like Mae West said, “Too much of a good thing can be wonderful,” and in Eureka Springs, you’ll find that there’s no such thing as too much art, too much beauty, too much music, or too much joy.

So, get out there and start your own joy-spotting adventure. Whether it’s the vibrant energy that light up the streets or the abundant creativity that fills every corner, Eureka Springs is waiting to show you just how fabulous life can be when you let joy be your guide.❤️

Music Park, Main St., Eureka Springs, AR

More Joy is a blog-series. In these three chapters, we seek to discover the joy already all around us. Joy-spotting is real, it's a thing and there is much joy to spot and experience here in Eureka Springs. In this series. we will take you on a joyful journey around Eureka Springs, Arkansas.


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