"Who needs Amazon? Who needs Amazon? Come sleigh and play all day!"
This should be the slogan for Eureka Springs during the Holiday Season because our shops, restaurants, galleries, bars/pubs, guesthouses and this whole darn happy place in general, makes every effort to come together as a community, haul out the holly, don the gay apparel, trim the tree, light the lights and ... SHOP SMALL!
I absolutely love shopping small. It's the best way to find that special something for someone that is handmade, personal, artistic, meaningful, creative/innovative and sentimental. Lots of traditions have been created when families make the time to pack up the kiddos to come out to places like Eureka Springs to shop small. Best of all, shopping small helps Eureka Springs flourish forward, and our merchants, shopkeepers, hoteliers and locals love you for it.
Perfectly positioned each year between Black Friday and Cyber Monday is Small Business Saturday. According to American Express, who created the holiday in 2011 to encourage people to patronize small businesses, U.S. shoppers spent over $20 billion (...with a "B") on Small Business Saturday just in 2021 alone. WOW!
We all know it has certainly been a challenging few years for everyone on many fronts. It’s also been difficult to to watch hardworking mom-and-pop businesses get shouldered aside, close entirely or relocate to more affordable areas in Eureka, as rents increase, crowds thin and funds fritter away.
The biggest thing to know is that shopping small in Eureka Springs is quite a lot of fun! Check out all that is happening here: www.eurekaspringschristmas.com
In the wake of the pandemic, some shops and businesses have closed, many have sustained and a few new businesses have some jingles on their shingles. Check out these links below and begin making your plans to come holly jolly shopping here in Eureka Springs this Holiday Season.
You are sure to have a magical time . . . and may even start a new, annual tradition.
After you hustle and bustle around town, put down those shopping bags and visit Missy's White Rabbit Lounge (on the Rainbow Stairs in Downtown Eureka Springs) from Thanksgiving Day to Christmas Day and as you belly-up to order say the following phrase to the bartender for $1.00 off your "White Rabbit" specialty drink.
"John-Michael sent me and I would like a White Rabbit at The White Rabbit."
Disclaimer: The White Rabbit Holiday Special only runs from Thursday, November 24, 2022 to Sunday, December 25, 2022. (Thanksgiving Day to Christmas Day.) The $1.00 discount only applies to the drink listed on the drink menu named, White Rabbit. Bartenders reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Please be responsible - Do Not Drink And Drive. Thank you.